Cosy Rooms in a brand new apartmnet @ Arroios Flat! Just 7 minutes away from metro station Arroios, there is our sweet 3-bedroom apartment, that is brand new. The cosy apartment with classy wooden floor and high ceilings, new fully equipped kitchen, bathroom and a small living room. The 15-sqare meter double room is furnished with the queen size bed, double windows for isolation, working table, study chair and two wardrobes. It can be rented as single or as a couple room. The apartment has optical WI-FI Internet. There is a new washing machine, fridge and the basic comfort accessories - as the vacuum cleaner. Monthly expenses are payed apart - 40.00 EUR. If chosen so, there is a possibillty to schedule surf course 1-3 a week with a special discount being part of the Surfgasm House. The door can be locked in case of preferred privacy...
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