ELEGANT SINGLE ROOM STENDHAL 1 Hi! I'm Barbara! I offer an Exclusive full furnished ROOM a few minutes by tram from Navigli, Sant'Ambrogio e Santa Maria delle grazie Cathedral Cattolica, Duomo, the famous Teatro LA Scala, and Montenapoleone fashon area!! Also Bocconi University, NABA, IULM Strategic position to reach in few minutes every part of Milan and all most historical and important Architecture!!! Museum, Theaters, famous and friendly restourants, pubs!!! It's a REALLY LIVELY AREA!!! Flat is very cozy, well furnished, with all comforts and facilities required for a home. An interior design has study the distribution of every part of the flat! In order to give more privacy, each room is equipped like a small studio with living room / bedroom and each room with separate entrances. Full of services: supermarkets, banks, post office, pharmacies and shops, nice restourants, pubs. There are trendy and historical pubs and restaurant of Milan. There is internet connection and a TV in both rooms. two big private terraces...
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