The studio/room is located 5 minutes walk from Biotechnical Faculty, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology and Faculty of Computer and Information Science in a beautiful and peaceful neighbourhood. In front of the house is bus stop, which takes you to the centre of the city in a couple of minutes. Five minutes by foot away is supermarket, two minutes away is post office and confectionary. Details on room: Studio/room is 18 m2, with new floor and newly painted walls, very comfortable, appropriate for somebody who likes his/her privacy. There is a new washing machine, a new dryer, a large bathroom with a bathtub, a large kitchen area with dining table and entrance area, all shared with other housmates. It is entirely furnished, with a single bed, additional closet-room, table and bed sheets. Price: Price per month is 380 euros, all inclusive, wireless Internet, electricity, water, heating. If you are interested and if you have any additional questions, just send an e-mail...
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