HABITACIÓN INDIVIDUAL CON ESCRITORIO GRANDE Y ARMARIO MUY GRANDE, INTERIOR. EN UNA DE LAS MEJORES ZONAS DE VALENCIA. PISO MUY GRANDE CON 3 HABITACIONES DOBLES Y UNA INDIVIDUAL UN SALÓN LUMINOSO DOS BAÑOS COMPLETOS, AMBOS CON DUCHA UNO GRANDE Y OTRO MÁS PEQUEÑO UNA COCINA CON TODOS LOS ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS Y UTENSILIOS, LAVADORA MICROONDAS HORNO UN PATIO INTERIOR CON TECHO PARA CUANDO LLUEVE, PARA PODER TENDER LA ROPA, Y UNA QUINTA HABITACIÓN DE INVITADOS QUE NO SE ALQUILA EN NINGÚN CASO PERO QUE DA SERVICIO SI VIENE ALGÚN FAMILIAR O VISITA UNOS POCOS DÍAS Single room with individual bed. The room is interior and have a large desk and closet. It is located at one of the best areas in Valencia. The apartment is really big with 3 double bedrooms and 1 individual. Also have a really large and bright salon. It has 2 full bathrooms, both with showers (one bigger than the second one). The kitchen is fully equipped with all the appliances and utensils. You will find a oven, microwave and a washing machine. Has an interior patio with roof and you can hang clothes in here. Also there it is a fifth room for guests that is not rented but it is available for short stay visits....
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