Shared room! Habitación compartida! Chambre partagée! This fantastic 4 bedroom apartment with 3 single rooms and 1 shared room is great for students that would like to study abroad close to the city center of Barcelona. The area has a lot of restaurants, bars and is walking distance to the metro station that can get you around the city. Air conditioning in the living room, as well as a cute balcony! Price per bed is 350EUR Price for two people (couples or friends) is 675EUR After-hours and weekend arrivals are subject to a 50€ check-in fee Administration Fee: 100€ per semester. Everything is Included: *No requirements for a guarantor *Twin beds *Fast and reliable wireless internet *Attractive buildings in great locations *Fully outfitted kitchen *Living area with soft seating for everyone *Plenty of storage space *Spacious apartments *Online, on-call maintenance service *Safe and secure apartments and locations *24/7 emergency service *Check-in service *A welcome packet that explains everything Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. You are guaranteed that If your accommodation is not as advertised HousingAnywhere will refund you all the costs...
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