#Awesome single Room at Centro Flat Description Located in the very centre of the city of Córdoba where you will have the chance to discover many cultural sites, narrow streets and charming squares. An 8 bedrooms flat with 3 bathrooms, a large and cozy kitchen with an internal patio. 15 minutes walking from the train and bus station, 2 minutes walking from the School of Arts and Crafts, 5 minutes away from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature or the monumental areas. The bills are 45 € ALWAYS IF THE USAGE IS RESPONSIBLE. ***THE DEPOSIT MUST BE PAID WITHIN THE FIRST 5 DAYS OF THE MONTH. EVEN IF YOU COME LATER, YOU MUST PAY THE DEPOSIT IN ADVANCE. ***ONCE THE BOOKING HAS BEEN PROCESSED YOU WILL HAVE 48 HOURS TO TRANSFER THE DEPOSIT!! ***UNA VEZ FINALIZADA LA RESERVA DEBERÁ TRANSFERIR EL DEPÓSITO EN 48 HORAS!...
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