**PICS ARE REPRESENTATIVE* All apartments have equipped kitchen, oven, tv, Wi-Fi, appliances, dishwasher, washing machine and elevator. The minimum stay is 6 months with 3 months notice to terminate the contract. If the tenant wants to move out before 6 months, he can terminate the contract either paying 1 month rent as a penalty or finding a substitute. Couples are allowed only in double room. RECURRENT EXPENSES TO PAY: Utilities are excluded, it amounts 50 euro per month: this includes electricity, gas, Canone Rai, waste tax, Wi-Fi, cleaning and concierge. EXPENSES TO PAY ONLY ONCE: Three monthly rent as deposit Tax registration contract: could be from 40 to 70 euros, it depends on length of the contract and city area of the flat. This has to be paid the day of your check-in. Closing contract fee 150 euro: this included final cleaning, bedding, amortization fund for whitening and fee for contract dissolution. -If you have to book the room from the beginning of the month, you will have to secure the room paying the first monthly rent on HousingAnywhere. After that, you will have to pay security deposit + the whole following monthly rent + contract registration fee before the check-in date. -If you have to book from mid-month, you will have to secure the room paying the first monthly rent on HousingAnywhere. After that, you will have to pay half monthly rent, the deposit and contract registration fees before the check-in date...
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