# Great Single Room Available For Female This room is comfy and bright. The room is furnished with a double bed, closet, and shelves. The room is part of a great apartment and this apartment consists of 5 rooms, 1 tidy bathroom, and a fully equipped kitchen with access to a balcony. The apartment is a very sunny and relaxing place and it is furnished with much care and fashion. Please note that: -Wifi and washing machine are available. -The price is inclusive of all utilities Via Nicola Romeo, in the Le Terrazze district, in the immediate vicinity of Via Missaglia and Piazza Abbiategrasso, well served by public transport and commercial activities, including a large Esselunga just a few meters away. The apartment is close to Piazza Abbiategrasso MM2 and within 30 minutes you can reach NABA, and Bocconi using tram 15, 3 and bus N15. Nearby hotspots: -30 minutes from Bocconi and NABA, Cattolica -35 minutes from Statale, Marangon Please be aware that Housing Anywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve the room, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...
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