Comfortable room at a walking distance from the 3 colleges of Almada, 15 minutes from Lisbon and 5 minutes from the Caparica beach. 2 single beds , 2 desks, 2 chairs,a bookcase, a 2 doors walldrobe. (220€+220€). 1 single bed + sofa + 1 desk (350€). All renting are subject to contract with full identification. Safety deposit with the reservation. 25€ for room cleaning on check out. Pharmacy , supermarket, MB and other commerce at the door, as well as transport - metro, bus and taxi and also, parking area directly in front of the building. Quiet area. The apartment is fully furnished , has three rooms, kitchen, bathroom with window. The apartment has WI-FI Internet. The room is a double and the price is per person. If chosen so, there is a possibillty to schedule surf course in Caparica beach. So now that you've found your home for the next few months, why wait? An adventure is knocking on your door. Welcome...
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