HOUSE INFORMATION------------------------------------------ Full apartment, loft style, brand new interiors, it is ideal for 2 people. It is in Bresso, a residential town surrounded by Paco Nord. The site is 74 mt far from Bus stops, that can take you to M1-Sesto Rondò, to M3-Comasina or to M5-Bicocca. LiDL, 24/24 Carrefour, any kind of shops and bar are in the same block. There are 3 main rooms (Living room with Kitchen, bedroom 1 and loft bedroom 2). There are 2 single beds that can be joint in 1 king size bed or assigned to the 2 separate bedrooms. One of the 2 sofas, can be opened to become a Queen size bed for occasional guests. Main inventory items are: Fridge, Oven, Dishing machine, Washing machine, induction cooking with pots, air conditioning system and hot water boiler. Bikes (and wine) private space in the basement. COST ---------------- Rent is 600 euro/Month plus expenses. Expenses are: a) For 12+ Month staying: about 150 Euro/Month of building expenses which include warming in winter (cost is based on consumption) and general condominium expenses subject to administrator balance every year; or b) For shorter staying: 200/Month. UTILITIES------------ I offer the possibility for the host to open a private contract with the preferred electricity provider (currently EnelEnergia) or it is possible to pay 0.3 Eur x KW/h consumed (Energy counter in the room) (short periods) CONTRACT ----------------- I offer a standard contract "4+4 year" or "short term", according to the Italian law; I require to always have 3 months payed in advance but I give the possibility to the host to resolve the contract 3 months in advance without justifications. Deposit (1200 Eur) will be returned at the key return after inventory check and room conditions check and expenses balance....
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